Everyday Wisdom #44

Take note

Carry a small notebook around with you today.

Watch and listen to things people are complaining about.

Make a note of all these things in your notebook.

At the end of the day, look over what you have listed.  Is there anything you can do to help?  Do you have any possible solutions to their problems?

By focusing on the needs of others – rather than yourself – you can increase your capacity for empathy, understanding and tolerance.

About istopforsuffering

A page created to help spread love and kindness and positivity. Dedicated to making this world a better place, and making a difference in people's lives.

17 responses to “Everyday Wisdom #44

  1. I think that would make me very depressed 😦

    • Wow, that’s a good point Beverley! I hadn’t considered that. Focusing on the negatives – instead of the positives. I guess it depends on how you are feeling when you do it, and whether you can approach it with a sense of non-attachment.

  2. B y just listening you have accomplished something. Let them know. So many people seem to be frustrated with their lives, in fact it is because no one is listening.

  3. Great excercise. Perhaps the complaints are a reflection of our own thoughts.

  4. It’s a great advice. I always try to help. I hope I am able to help. Today I need help.

    • Are you okay? Why do you need help? Is there anything I can do. Sending you love and blessings and healing energy ♥

      • Thank you very much for asking. I am a little better today. It was a very bad day for me, a day of abuse. I have wrote about it on my Blog 😦
        Love and Prayers is all I need, thank you ❤

      • Oh my goodness – my darling friend. You are in my thoughts. I am sending you much love and light as I sit here. I hope it brings you a little calm. Huge hugs!!!! ♥

      • I have no words. I just read your blog post. I am so very very sorry – I can’t begin to imagine what you are going through. And I know that when you are you are at your lowest point that that is not something you would say lightly. And I have been at my lowest point, and I have cried out for help, only to find that I was alone. Please know that you are not alone. Even though we are separated by miles, and computers, I feel your pain, and I send you much love. If I could take it for you I would, just to ease your burden a little. But remember that I am always here if you need a friend to talk to ♥

      • Thank you so much. That means a lot to me, honestly ❤
        The same applies to you. You can join me anytime. Thank you for being my friend. Much love to you ❤

  5. A great point!How compassionate of you Meg!

  6. @nikky44:
    I read your post!I believe you need to develop strength, which you have never shown.Don’t let people take advantage of you.Love is not a weakness, derive strength from it to stop love from considering you weak.You shouldn’t pose strength, it should be within you, and comes only if you have a purpose in life.That purpose….is life itself!Nothing can be as bad as hopelessness…..not even pain….You were weak to stop pain, to accept love, to accept farewell of loved ones, because you fear pain, acceptance of true love, and loss.Don’t fear these feelings….you should decide, to lose what gives you pain, to cherish love without it.Don’t bear, speak up….please!
    Don’t feel that life is not worth it for a pain inflictor.The one who has blessed you with life has given you an opportunity to earn love,happiness,and peace with honor, dignity and self-esteem.Don’t waste this opportunity.Life is a gift, and the pains God puts u through are not unworthy.They pay us with credit in the world hereafter.But the pains people inflict us with are unjust, and they don’t deserve to exist.
    I wanted to tell you, you are beautiful, and filled with goodness….i wish and pray for you, love, happiness, ease, contentment, and peace.

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