Everyday Habits That Will Make You Happier

Happiness is a choice. The growing body of research is demonstrating that as we become happier, we become better people. As we become happier we become more compassionate, more creative, more energetic, more financially successful, more emotionally and physically healthy.

~ Naomi Simson, founder of “Red Balloon”


Though we may all have varied goals and paths, ultimately, we all have the same objective: happiness

Here are small changes that you can make to your daily routine that will immediately increase the amount of happiness in your life:

  1. Expect the best
    Life usually lives up (or down) to your expectations.  Start each day with the expectation that something wonderful is going to happen – and chances are that it will!
  2. Give something to everyone you meet
    Give a gift to each person that you come across today.  Give the gift of your smile, a kind word, or your full attention.  Not only will it make them feel happy, it will increase your happiness too!
  3. Think the best of everyone
    We can never understand the “why” and “what” behind other people’s actions.  We can never understand fully what they are going through, or have been through.  By assuming the worst of others, we add unnecessary misery to life.  Assume that others have good intentions, and give them the opportunity to live up to those expectations!
  4. Concentrate on the now
    One of the greatest barriers to happiness is worry.  Worry of what may happen in the future.  And the worry is usually based on things that are outside of your control.  Focus on the present moment, rather than what may (or may not!) happen in the future.  After all, here and now is when we live. We might live tomorrow as well. But who knows.
  5. Eat well
    When we are busy it’s easy to skip meals, or get something quick (and unhealthy) on the go.  However our bodies – and minds – need regular nutritional food to function at our best.  This is something I am guilty of – not eating well, and then wondering why I feel so ordinary.  The simple (and amazing) truth is – the better we eat, the better we feel, and the better we function!
  6. Give what you would like to receive
    This is a great practice that I find very beneficial.  If I am lonely, I try to provide companionship to others.  If I am sad, I try to make someone else happy.  Through generosity and giving of ourselves we find happiness.
  7. Be thankful
    Each night before you go to sleep, write down at least one wonderful thing that happened through the day that you are grateful for.  No matter how big or small.  Or another idea – instead of reading my son a bedtime story, we sit and discuss all the things we were grateful for that day.  It’s a great way to connect.

“Happiness depends upon ourselves.” ~Aristotle

About istopforsuffering

A page created to help spread love and kindness and positivity. Dedicated to making this world a better place, and making a difference in people's lives.

22 responses to “Everyday Habits That Will Make You Happier

  1. Oh Meg, I love, love, love this post! So simple and yet can make such a huge difference. YES! Thank you for this reminder! Love, Lisa

  2. very good points. I have days where I actually practice these, and then others I fail

  3. It made me happy to read this post! Blessings, Mark

  4. Excellent post and excellent words of widsom. Thank you for sharing with the world!

  5. Wonderful ideas, Megan… I just printed them out and will tape them up on the refrigerator…a continuing reminder and inspiration…and adding continuing smiles of encouragement to you, too : )

  6. ps… please continue to remind yourself of the lines from that comforting Betsy Rose song, Welcome to the Circle
    “And know your work is worthy
    And know your heart is true
    And know that all you give away
    Will come circling back to you
    You’ve got to know that all you give away
    Will come circling back to you. ”
    : )

  7. These make such sense! I have two points to add. get enough sleep so you can face each day with energy and enthusiasm. And surround yourself with positive people. I once had a boyfriend who always assumed the worst and would jump to negative conclusions and create anxiety this way. It was so draining to always have to talk him out of his negative mindset. It wasn’t worth it in the end!.

  8. Great ideas to start my day. Thanks 🙂

  9. I love those small changes. Good stuff!

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